Thursday, October 1, 2009

I don't know what my problem has been lately, it seems as though I have a waking up problem. It used to be really bad in high school, I would have three or four alarm clocks yet still couldn't wake up. That's why I was thankful to have my mother wake me up. Now that I live on my own it's all on me, I thought I had been doing well. Many mornings I even wake up early enough to get other tasks accomplished yet others I just completely zone out and wake up way too late. I think this happens to many individuals, you lay back down for "just five more minutes" and wake up a couple hours later not knowing what happened. I personally go to turn off my alarm clock, change it to a later time knowing that I will fall back asleep, go lay in bed and tell myself, "Okay, after this song/after I count to twenty I will wake up and get ready" just to find myself falling back asleep once again. I personally blame my amazing, new, and extremely comfortable bed I have, ha. I've heard of these alarm clocks that sound pretty crazy. I guess there are multiple settings to this alarm clock such as an option to turn on lights, put a contraption under your mattress so it moves it, and siren sounds. I have been seriously thinking about investing in this although I am hoping that it doesn't get that far. If anyone has any suggestions as to waking up I would greatly appreciate it.

I have a paper that is coming up that seems to be coming to mind quite often these days. It is actually for the same class that I am writing this blog for, Written Communication. The assignment is taking something that makes you uncomfortable and nervous and to not only do this action but write about your feelings and reaction to this action. This quite frankly scares the crap out of me. So I got to thinking, what makes me nervous/anxious or scared? I'm not scared of any type of heights, rodents (although I don't like rodents and I would prefer them not be around me), any type of volunteer work or anything. Then I realized I have the perfect idea - donating blood. Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of blood or afraid of needles in any way, shape, or form. Although the thought of MY blood coming out of MY body from a needle scares me half to death. I also hate the thought of veins, they are extremely disgusting. If I think about them too much I cringe and feel very uncomfortable. I have had an IV in my arm and I pretty much passed out, I just don't like the thought of something that's in my body being sucked out of me. I can't handle it. That is why this makes it so difficult, I know this would be the perfect challenge for me but I honestly don't think I can do it. Just the thought sends shivers down my spine. So I don't know what to do, I know that's the whole point of the assignment I just don't know if I can do it. I'm still trying to think of something else but so far there hasn't been anything..

Oktoberfest was quite enjoyable. Although the drunks weren't as amusing as I had thought they would be, in fact, they were the opposite. I saw people laying on the ground attempting to text people while crying when it was only 1:00, a girl body slamming a car multiple times for who know what reason, and people falling all over the place. Living in the area isn't fun either considering if I wanted to drive somewhere I had to watch out for the drunks who liked to sit in the road talking to people. Oh well, I still had fun.

I feel bad talking about the weather again but I just can't help it - I love it. I love bundling up in sweatshirts and blankets and the brisk cool of the wind. I love being able to start the oven in the house without feeling like I am in a sauna. Yesterday was perfect, sunny and cool, the perfect combination. Today, on the other hand, isn't so nice. Don't get me wrong, I still love this rainy cool weather also but tonight is the Torchlight parade and I would rather not sit there in the rain and cold. Especially considering the Torchlight parade is my favorite parade I would really not like to miss it. Another flaw about the weather lately is the windy part, it seems to be knocking off all of the leaves from the trees even when they haven't changed colors yet! So sad.

Well, this is what has been happening in my life lately, have a nice day. :)


Do you remember what you told me once?
That every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.
-Vanilla Sky

P.s. I have been searching for a good book to read, does anyone have any suggestions?

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