Wow, I really don't have anything to write about again this week. More rambles!
I know I have talked about my classes a number of times but I am going to be talking a little bit more. I am really happy with the Graphic Design classes I have been taking and learning about different programs. I love learning about the cool things I can do in Adobe Illustrator and InDesign, it makes me really look forward to future classes that I get to take. I think I am going to take less classes next term though but still remain a full time student. I am also very excited to be in the Graphics Design Club too, we are going on a field trip soon to Milwaukee to tour agencies. Should be fun.
So I finally did it, I quit Old Navy. I have been working there for about a year and a half and enough was enough. It's right in time too, working during Thanksgiving and Christmas is ridiculous in retail. People are so rude and inconsiderate during that time of the year even though it seems like it should be the complete opposite. It always makes me so mad how Thanksgiving and Christmas became such commercial holidays. It lost it's true meaning completely. Anyways, off the subject. I think quitting is one of my least favorite things to do, the employer always looks so disappointed. Plus, I'm really bad at saying that I am quitting so I probably sound very indecisive like I don't even know if I should or not. I guess I just hate letting people down and disappointing them. This time was much better than the first job I quit, I worked at Hobby Lobby for barely six months and completely hated it. The only reason I stayed so long was because my mom kept telling me to work it out and stick through it. Anyway, I am very happy with this decision. I really want to find another job though, I was thinking maybe bartending. They make such good money and I think it would be fun and fast paced. Although I would never be able to work in an actual bar, I would have to work some nicer restaurant. We'll see what happens. I'm not in a rush to get another job right away, I will be getting a raise from KT in a few months here. (:
I finally saw Zombieland last night and it was hilarious although maybe a bit too gorey for my taste but that's alright. I love that actor Jesse Eisenberg. I have always found theaters to be an amusing place to be. It's interesting to see the different groups of people all paying an extremely large amount to see a movie that may or may not be good. I also love the previews, I don't know why. My least favorite part about movies are the awkward silences in between the previews, little middle schoolers being obnoxious, and the uncomfortable seats. Come to think about it, I can't believe I spent $8.75 to go see a movie when I can just see it in a few weeks for $1.06 at the RedBox. Stupid me.
Anyway, this is it for now, until next time.
"Though my soul may set in darkness,
it will rise in perfect light, I have loved
the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."
-Sarah Williams
it will rise in perfect light, I have loved
the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."
-Sarah Williams
P.s. me and a friend of mine finally ventured to Sonic the other day and it was amazing. I always hated that they played commercials and we really don't have one near enough to just go to and it always looked so good. (:
P.s.s. Finally got a nice enough day that didn't consist of work to go take pictures of the beautiful fall season. More to come!

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