Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blah, Blah, Blah

I can't believe the parking situation by campus. I actually am within walking distance of the school and that's how I typically get to class but the other day when it was raining I didn't have the option. I guess I should invest in an umbrella one of these days, ha. I don't know how people drive to school everyday though, I felt like I had to go so much earlier than usual just because I get worried that I won't get a parking spot. Thankfully I had my 8:00 class that day and found a parking spot easily but it was in a two-hour parking spot. As I was sitting in class I was seriously contemplating just not even moving and keeping my nice parking spot and just paying the ticket. As I came into reality I remembered I was low on money and maybe it wouldn't be that hard to find a parking spot.. I was wrong. I only had ten minutes in between class and it's seriously insane trying to find a parking spot but I finally I found one a half a block up from where I had parked in the first place. As I got out of class I was surprised to see a sopping wet lime green parking ticket on my windshield. Nice to know that they don't care if you've moved up the block but if you're on the same street you'll still get a ticket. This I find quite ridiculous, it is a campus and our school is already short on parking, why would you make streets that aren't even residential on a time limit? I'm extremely tempted to go and fight the ticket.. although it is just $12 and I know I would lose. I think the school needs to be doing something about this too, it's unfair that students, even ones with parking passes, need to fight to get a parking spot. I understand that we're a growing school and everything but still. Sad to say that this is the most exciting my life has been lately.

Oh wait, Oktoberfest is coming up! I always love going to the parade or just the fest grounds to see all the drunken idiots dancing around singing "e-i-e-i-e-i-o." Ha, it doesn't feel like it should be happening yet, it feels like just yesterday it was summer although the weather doesn't seem to be very fall-like. I have a feeling we won't get much of fall and it will just turn right to winter. I will be attempting to go snowboarding again this winter and I don't know if it's something I should be looking forward to or something I should be physically scared of, ha. I have never broken a bone and the thought of being strapped down kind of scares me, especially because my friend broke his broke his leg last year. I guess I'll just have to see what happens once it starts snowing.

School has still been going pretty well, getting busier and busier as time is going by but I kind of guessed that would happen. I'm actually kind of frustrated right now with my Adobe Illustrator class because I can't seem to get a hang of the layering too, I mean I understand how to do it I just don't know how to make it look right. I am looking forward to joining the Graphics Club though.

Movies I am very impatiently waiting to come out on DVD so I can rent them for only $1.06 instead of paying a whole $8.75 to see in theaters (which is so ridiculous).

Well, that's exciting as it gets for now, have a nice day.


"What lies before us and what lies behind us
nothing compared to what lies within us. "

P.s. I love, love, love The Office and I'm very excited for the new season!
Jim and Pam are my favorite <3

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Whatever Tomorrow Brings

I feel like I've been under a lot of pressure lately, I haven't yet found a good balance between school, work, and still being able to have a social life. At this point, school comes first.. but I am already starting to feel overwhelmed with the lack of money I have. Obviously since I am a full time student I am not able to work as much as I'm used to and I dislike it. They say money can't buy happiness but I almost disagree. It would be lovely to not have to worry about working as much as possible just to keep up with bills and maybe go on vacation once in a while. I guess this is the life that my parents have been warning me about.. reality. I hope I will be able to keep my head above the water. Last weekend I finally got a break and went to Valleyfair and honestly it was a trip long overdue. I had so much fun just being able to relax and have fun with some amazing people, plus I love rollercoasters. Here's another factor where money would be nice, as I mentioned before I want to travel but unfortunately that means having money. I have an opportunity to go to both Las Vegas and Mexico within the next few months yet I won't be able to because I won't have the money to do so. -sigh- Oh well, I guess that's life.

Speaking of upcoming months I am definitely excited about fall and winter. I find fall to be the most beautiful season of them all and I can't wait to be able to take a walk and just take pictures. There's just something about the crisp leaves and colors that just makes me feel happy. Winter should be interesting as well, I'm supposed to go snowboarding again this winter which should be an adventure in itself.

Of course nothing that I have written about means anything in comparison to the losses in Holmen that have been occurring lately. Within the past few years Holmen has lost a number of truly amazing people including Sarah, Tyler, Conor, Nate, Kimmy, Corey, Mark, and now Rachel. Yesterday was a tough day for me, although I had only talked to Rachel a couple times it rushed back thoughts of Kimmy and how a similar tragedy happened merely two years ago. The thought of death just scares me period and although death at all ages is terrible, it saddens me to see people that haven't even started their lives die at such a young age. The first person that had died that I was close to was an amazing guy named Conor, he had such an amazing outlook on life and it was forwarded to everyone he talked to. I couldn't go to his funeral, I couldn't accept that he was never coming back. When Kimmy died I brought myself to her wake and it killed me. I now avoid funerals and death whenever possible, I just can't handle it. My dad warns me that these are the years that I should be most worried about death, but it's just not fair. This fact also worries me because it seems as though all the graduating grades around me have lost someone.. except our grade. We cut it close when a boy named Chad got in a tragic accident but thankfully is doing a lot better now after months of being hospitalized. Who will the first person to die? Will I be close to them? Will I regret not being friends with them? These are the thoughts that could drive me crazy. One thing I am reminded of every time a death occurs is to live my life to the fullest, be nice to everyone, and don't regret a single day. You all are missed very much and you're always in my thoughts. <3

Until next time,

"Don't ask what the meaning of life is - you define it."

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A New Leaf

Hello, this is my first blog post and as I'm sure it is common for many first timers, I have no idea what to write about. I suppose in this post I will just tell you the most basic things about myself. My name is Kendell and I am eighteen years young, which means I am currently enrolled in my first year of college at Western Technical College. Although I am doing this blog for a class called Written Communication I am planning on majoring in Graphic Design. I enjoy various things including art, photography, traveling, music and of course hanging out with friends.

I am an only child and although I am now very close with my parents, it wasn't always like that. Now I respect and appreciate them both very much. Now that I'm living on my own I have truly have seen how much they have done for me throughout the years and how much easier it was living at home. I miss it and the comfort of home but I feel very excited to live on my own. I live with two girls named Whitney and Amanda, one my co-worker the other my best friend. We moved in mid July and have had a number of ups and downs so far. I knew living on my own and with other people was going to be difficult but I guess I didn't really expect it to be this difficult, ha. I'm sure I'll be writing more about individual "adventures" as time goes on.

A huge part of my life includes my best friends, I have a group of friends that have been there for me from the very start. Their names are Amanda, Leah, and Lynnsey. I met them all through school and it must have been since about 7th or 8th grade that we have been best friends. We are all small town girls, coming from Holmen, and we wouldn't have it any other way. Of course there have been the fights, the boys that split us apart, and just growing apart but even to this day I can still call them my best friends. I can't imagine life without them and to be quite honest I don't think I'd like to even try.

Ha, this is our "traditional" pose, ever since seventh grade before a dance we have been taking this picture.

Traveling around the world is something that I'm striving to do. I was fortunate enough to get the chance to finally go to Florida last year which was amazing. I love going to towns and seeing the different people and different all around feeling of that particular spot. I want to see new things and challenge myself to new and exciting experiences. If I had the choice to go anywhere in the world right now, no questions asked, I would choose either London or Los Angeles. Of course it would be nice to have money at that point, I hope someday I will be able to have enough money and time to be able to do everything I want to do.

One of the most exciting things that has happened to me lately is starting college. A new leaf, a new life, a new beginning. For me, I'm extremely excited and am fully welcoming college with open arms, I've been done with high school since Freshmen year to be honest. It is technically the second week of classes and everything has been going very well so far. It's really nice to finally be able to take classes that actually apply to my interests and degree, of course there are going to be general classes that I will be taking also but I'm sure those will be very beneficial as well. My Graphic Design classes include Adobe Illustrator, Publication Design, Drawing and Design Fundamentals.

Well, this is a little about myself. Until next time.


"Laugh when you can, apologize when you
should and let go of what you can't change."