Speaking of snow and streets, some people really need to learn how to drive in the snow. I personally am just scared to drive not because of the dangerous road conditions but to all the people who do not know what they're doing. It's quite simple really.. just drive slow, don't make any sudden motions and don't over worry. Also, snow tires does a lot. My friend was extremely stuck in the snow because of the no snow tires. It really does wonders.
I cannot wait for Christmas! Family, friends, freedom will just be lovely. Plus I will be able to work more so I won't be feeling so crunched for money which is always a good feeling. I'm also very excited for my next semester classes, I hope they work out. I was planning on taking less credits for the upcoming semester but somehow it didn't really work like that. Hopefully I will be able to handle it.
Well, until next time,
Change is never easy.
You fight to hold on.
You fight to let go.
You fight to hold on.
You fight to let go.
I couldn't agree with you more on the part where you said people need to learn how to drive in the snow! You are right though with your tid bits of advice! Aslo the shoveling does suck...I myself for the first time have to do all the shoveling....and it sucks!