Thursday, December 3, 2009

let it snow, let it snow, let it snow (without me having to shovel)

It's officially December, where did November go? It was just the other day where I was saying it's officially November, where did October go? Oh well, time flies by when you're having fun I suppose. The days have been going very smoothly lately. School, work, friends.. everything has just been going really well. Minus my two weeks of terrible bad luck. Within these weeks I lost numerous things, ran into countless items, and been more up and down than I have been in a very long while. The two worst things that I did included losing my key drive and losing my car keys. My key drive that had all of my Graphic Design stuff on it and a number of other general class stuff. Of course I don't back up my stuff on my laptop either, oh well, live and learn. I now save all of my stuff and back it up. Although it is my fault of leaving it in a classroom, I still can't believe someone would just take it. They must have, that's the only way it makes sense. I checked all the lost and founds in the school and also gave them my number in case they found it then I checked the classroom that I left it in and checked with the teacher in the class after. Ludicrous! Oh well, I'm over it.. although I will have to redo all of my projects and assignments from previous classes for my portfolio.. but I'm not going to think about that for now.

The first snow fall happened today, at least the snow fall that has stuck. On one hand, I love snow. It's so beautiful and just the feel of bundling up in mittens, coat, and hat is truly amazing. Also cappuccino drinking, Christmas time, Rotary lights, etc. My absolute favorite though, I have to admit, is taking walks with people in the snow. (:

Thanksgiving was overall a success. This year I went to Michigan to have Thanksgiving at my uncles, this means that I not only got to have Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family but also my uncles girlfriends family. This includes four cute kids that I got to watch for most of the day. Food and family, what a great combination. Although the days after seemed to go by very slowly after the kids and my cousin and aunt left. Also, not much Black Friday shopping was done which I was kind of upset about, but oh well.

P.s. The semester is almost over! I know exactly what I need to do each day until the last day, crazy!

Until next time,

It's cold and snow's actually on the ground of this no-snow town
And instead of cars, the street's trafficking in sleds

Men become boys again

And there's a war on the corner with no guaranteed winner

It's just a snow fall of snow balls, evidence of the winter

And I can feel my hands again

We're almost home

Hooray! - Minus the Bear

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