Thursday, November 5, 2009

Oh another week, another ramble.

I can't believe it's already November. Especially considering this means that I only have about six more weeks until I'm officially done with my first semester of college, that's such a crazy thought. By this rate it's going to be just tomorrow that I will be graduating from TC and moving out into the world, whether that means a four year college or to be thrown into the work force although I do not know which one yet. At the moment I wouldn't consider myself the best worker. I mean, I go in and do the hours but most of the time it's very reluctantly. I basically just go in to do my time as painlessly as possible to get the money and leave. This is another reason I can't wait to be in the Graphic Design industry, I will be doing stuff I love and being creative all day. Of course, half the time I will get annoying customers and not end up doing the stuff I want but still. Also, the business' I have visited all seem to have a very laid back, professional, and fun atmosphere filled with interesting characters. Speaking of which I went on the first Graphics Design Club trip to Minneapolis this past Tuesday and it was a lot of fun. We went to three business' and they talked about a number of important things we as Graphic Designers would need to know. I liked a lot of things about each of the business' we visited. At the first business called 'TMM' I really liked how they were very put together and professional, you could tell that they knew what they were doing. At the second business we went to called 'Puny' I liked pretty much everything about it. I loved the gallery feeling atmosphere and all around just laid back. As we were walking around and seeing what each designer was working on, you could tell how talented they were. They also looked like they had a lot of fun doing what they do. At the third business 'Big Time Attic' they were pretty much comic book illustrators which was really awesome to see. I could tell how much they loved what they do and how much fun they had. Overall, it was a great trip and I'm really looking forward to the next.

Halloween was a success. Many of my friends had gone to Madison and the cities for Halloween but I decided against it. Instead, me and my roommate decided to compile the remaining friends that were in town and have a little get together. I wasn't really planning to do much or even dress up so it was interesting throwing together a costume, ha.

A few pictures from Minneapolis and Halloween:

Money can't buy happiness.
But it can buy marshmallows,
which are kinda the same thing.

Ha, until next time,

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