Thursday, November 19, 2009

I once had a grip on everything it feels better to let go..

Alright, I am hoping that my "bad luck" streak is now over with starting today, I really hope I didn't jinx myself. For the past two weeks it seems like every little thing that could go wrong does. From the littlest things like waiting a long period of time to go to a class to forgetting my key drive in a class. I'm still a little frantic over me losing my key drive, I understand it's my fault that it happened but wouldn't someone turn it in? Especially seeing how much stuff is on it, all of my Graphic Design work for classes was on it and of course I didn't save it anywhere else. I learned my lesson. It sucks how lessons learned are usually learned the hard way. On that key drive, I also had my 4 page research paper that I had been working on for the past two weeks as long as all the notes I wrote. That wasn't fun. But I lived through it so far, the research paper has now been rewrote and some of my Graphic Design work has been remade. Now I'm just going to have to redo the rest so I can put it in my portfolio. That's not going to be fun.

I got another parking ticket also, I could have sworn I was far enough away from my first parking spot. I was also confused because it was on opposite sides of the day, once at 8:00AM and the other at 2:35PM. That's just silly to me, I guess I can't really fight it.

New Moon comes out tonight and midnight and I am very sad to say I will not be attending. My procrastination got the best of me once again and soon enough it was sold out. Not to worry, I will see it soon I can guarantee that. I have been subconsciously saving up and not going to many movies just so I wouldn't feel bad about spending a bit more on this movie. It better be worth it.

Four more weeks and I will be done with my first semester of college, scary! It's going by so fast!

Oh well, until next time..

"Life is about getting up out of your chair and doing something.
It is about doing nothing. Making a mess. Moving your hand
and your body. Leaving a mark. It is about doing. Action. Finishing.
Experimenting. Trying something. Immersing. It is about absurdity.
A creation. Evidence that you exist. Using materials. Destruction. It is
about fun. Doing the opposite. Breaking the rules. It is about ideas. Getting dirty.
Making mistakes. I'm going to ask you to make a mark and it's going to be messy.
Don't worry about that, that's the point."

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

so why don't we go somewhere only we know?

I've been really feeling the need to get a new car lately, I went through the "crappy car" stage for my first car and I think it's about time to get past that. I wouldn't even really call my car crappy, it typically runs really well because my dad is pretty much my own mechanic yet it is a Ford Probe. Seafoam green at that. Pastel green. I hate it when kids right away when they get their licenses get nice, expensive cars. Not that I'm complaining, my parents paid for half of my car and I'm really thankful for that. The cars I would choose are nothing spectacular, either a Jetta or Cobalt, preferably blue or silver and two door. Now all I have to do is become financially stable so I can actually do this. I would also like to own subwoofers and have those cool lights that are on the inside of your car, but now I'm getting carried away.

I'm starting to feel the distance between myself and some of my friends that went away for college. I finally went up to visit my good friend at her college the other day and it was fun just to catch up again. I hate knowing that most likely all of my friends and I are eventually going to drift apart. Of course there will be the "reunions" and what-not but it will probably never be the same. I am grateful that I didn't move away right away and a lot of my friends are still here but even now it's hard to keep up with everyone with school and work and what-not. I plan on moving away for my career at some point also so obviously it's going to be hard with that also. Oh well, I just don't want to worry about it right now.

This weather change was quite unexpected. I even had to bust out my flip flops again and wear them, I finally got over the fact that I wouldn't be able to wear them anymore! Uhh, now I have to go through that process again, ha. Oh well, it was nice to feel the warmth again, I know it will be a long winter again this year. I think I will feel it even more this year because at my house, we have to shovel the sidewalks. Also, I will have to wake up earlier to scrape and brush the snow off of my car. Don't want to think about it again, I'm just hoping that winter will take its time in starting.

Otherwise life has been going very smoothly. Until next time,

Make one person
each day -
even if it's yourself.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Oh another week, another ramble.

I can't believe it's already November. Especially considering this means that I only have about six more weeks until I'm officially done with my first semester of college, that's such a crazy thought. By this rate it's going to be just tomorrow that I will be graduating from TC and moving out into the world, whether that means a four year college or to be thrown into the work force although I do not know which one yet. At the moment I wouldn't consider myself the best worker. I mean, I go in and do the hours but most of the time it's very reluctantly. I basically just go in to do my time as painlessly as possible to get the money and leave. This is another reason I can't wait to be in the Graphic Design industry, I will be doing stuff I love and being creative all day. Of course, half the time I will get annoying customers and not end up doing the stuff I want but still. Also, the business' I have visited all seem to have a very laid back, professional, and fun atmosphere filled with interesting characters. Speaking of which I went on the first Graphics Design Club trip to Minneapolis this past Tuesday and it was a lot of fun. We went to three business' and they talked about a number of important things we as Graphic Designers would need to know. I liked a lot of things about each of the business' we visited. At the first business called 'TMM' I really liked how they were very put together and professional, you could tell that they knew what they were doing. At the second business we went to called 'Puny' I liked pretty much everything about it. I loved the gallery feeling atmosphere and all around just laid back. As we were walking around and seeing what each designer was working on, you could tell how talented they were. They also looked like they had a lot of fun doing what they do. At the third business 'Big Time Attic' they were pretty much comic book illustrators which was really awesome to see. I could tell how much they loved what they do and how much fun they had. Overall, it was a great trip and I'm really looking forward to the next.

Halloween was a success. Many of my friends had gone to Madison and the cities for Halloween but I decided against it. Instead, me and my roommate decided to compile the remaining friends that were in town and have a little get together. I wasn't really planning to do much or even dress up so it was interesting throwing together a costume, ha.

A few pictures from Minneapolis and Halloween:

Money can't buy happiness.
But it can buy marshmallows,
which are kinda the same thing.

Ha, until next time,